Karen Ellis
May 24, 1947 - June 12, 2019


Karen Ellis, 72, a retired Southern Airways-Republic Airlines-Northwest Airlines-and ultimately, Delta Air Llines Flight Attendant/Purser, with more than 40 years of dedicated service, passed away unexpectedly last week.

Always ready with a funny story or a lengthy saga involving folks and/or incidents with whom you were at least vaguely familiar, Karen was known for her keen intellect, her great smile, her sharp wit, and her incredible sense of humor.  She was, after all, Mensa!

Karen was preceded in death by her parents, Frank and Jean Ellis, and her premature infant twin daughters.  She leaves her only surviving daughter, Lindsay Poag Ivy (Brett), her three grandchildren, Isabella, Evangeline, and John, her two sisters, Suzanne Ellis, and Janet Faye Gargas (David), two nephews and one niece.

There will be a private interment for the family.  A Celebration of Life will be at a time and location to be announced.

Dedicated to Friends, Past and Present